Oct 10, 2023Liked by Dean Earls

I remember that 19 year old that came to America with just the clothes off his back and a big dream. I remember him well.

As hard as it is to fight right now to regain your dream, please don’t give up and just take it as a good lesson learnt. My grandad always said going into business with friends is a no no. He was also in the music business and said that was his toughest business.

Life has a strange way of sending us lessons. Although it’s hard, they seem lead us in the right direction eventually. Sometimes loosing everything is just life’s way of saying we were on the wrong path. Cory and I are building our lives up again but I would t change it for the world.

I think becoming a parent makes you see things differently.

Stay strong and it might sound weird, I’m interested in hearing the next chapter you have coming out.

Love you xxx

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Thanks Kit I appreciate that. Everything is a lesson.. and prepares us for the next chapter!

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Dean your an inspiration to so many you've helped many others over the years it's now time to be kind to yourself and build what you know you can my dear friend 😊 thank you for sharing so very brave and admiral of you

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Dean Earls

This: "All I can say to that is that my old partners there severely underestimated the resilience, determination, and persistence of an Irish man."

Nothing good ever comes easy bro, I Iearned more from mistakes and fuck ups than I ever have from getting things right. It takes balls to put your struggles and demons out there but you're made of strong stuff. "Rock bottom became the foundation on which I built my life" JKR

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Thank you 🙏🏼. You’re right the best lessons are found in our struggles !

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Dean Earls

You are a very Brave man and I applaud you 💯…It takes a real man to stand up and do what you have done .Those so called friends are not men they are parasites 🦠 Karma will catch up ..You have learned your lessons and very well wrote I might add ….These parasites will never know the true friend like they could have had in a Fellow Irish Man from Bray…..And unfortunately will never know the meaning of the word or have in there miserable lives a FRIEND because they will never get the chance again .

And unfortunately won’t even see the lesson in it …We as Irish people would run into a burning building to help a stranger in distress ..So these parasites should imagine what we would do for a friend in distress..

Be proud Dean

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Dean Earls

F*** PLAYBACK LA! Hopefully Karma returns favor for you !

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Dean Earls

Wow! I know how much that studio means to you!

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Dean we have done business together a few times, you've done things for colleagues and others I know. From what I gather and have heard is always good things. In my experience a man of your word! Stay true to yourself. We all go trough rough times and others may not understand that until they go through theirs!

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